About the Project

This website is part of the Century America Digital Liberal Arts Project, a collaborative research effort conducted by student researchers at schools comprising the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges. Funded by the Teagle Foundation and facilitated by the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges, the Century America Project seeks to depict college and community life at COPLAC-member institutions in the period of the Great War (1914-1919). Mentored by Dr. Ellen Holmes Pearson, Associate Professor of History at the University of North Carolina Asheville, and Dr. Jeff McClurken, Professor of History and American Studies at the University of Mary Washington, this project involves an innovative blending of distance mentoring, digital technologies, and undergraduate scholarship. This particular website details the WWI history of the town of Montevallo, Alabama, and the Alabama Girls’ Technical Institute (A.G.T.I.), a predecessor institution of the University of Montevallo.

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